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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

3D Ribbon Wrapped Text Effect

 3D Ribbon Text Effect
This tutorial will explain how to use the Opacity texture map to create a ribbon-wrapped 3D text effect in Photoshop CS5 environment. Then, it will explain how to create the confetti brush and its layer styles.

The Final Result:

* the software used in this tutorial is Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended
* the size of the final result image is 1024 * 768
* you might want to check the Basix Page to see some useful topics on dealing with Photoshop basics, such as loading palettes and some shortcuts.
Happy New Year! To all textuts‘ readers, followers, subscribers, and fans. Thank you for making 2011 an amazing year with all your support.
Hope 2012 will be an awesome year for each and everyone of you.
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Enabling OpenGL
The Repoussé will not work unless OpenGL is enabled. So go to Edit -> Preferences -> Performance, and make sure Enable OpenGL Drawing (under GPU Settings) is checked.
2011 enable OpenGL
Also, go to Edit -> Preferences -> 3D, and make sure OpenGL (under Interactive Rendering) is enabled.
2011 OpenGL
Step 1:
- Set the Foreground color to #62514f, and the Background color to #261a19, then, create a Radial Gradient from the center of the document to one of the corners.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 1
- Create the text in white color. The font used in Familian, and the size is 370 pt.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 1
- Go to 3D -> Repoussé -> Text Layer.
A dialog box will appear telling you that this will rasterize the type layer, and you will no longer be able to modify your text. So if you are sure you don’t need to modify your text, click yes and continue.
- Under the Repoussé Shape Presets, choose Inflate Sides. Then, under Bevel, choose Front and Back from the Sides drop down menu, set the Height to 10 and the Width to 5.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 1
- This is what the text should look like.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 1
- Notice also how the text layer’s thumbnail (icon) changes as the text is a 3D object right now.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 1
- In the Toolbox, select the 3D Rotate Camera Tool, and rotate the view of the 3D scene. You can use the other 3D Camera Tools as well until you like the angle of the camera. (Remember, we are changing the camera angle, NOT the object’s position.)
You can find some tips on how to use the 3D Camera Tools here.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 1
Step 2:
Next, we are going to modify the materials for the different sides of the 3D text. So open the 3D Panel (Window -> 3D), and expand the 3D object (click the arrow to its right) to view its different materials. Click each material name to modify its settings as shown below:
Note: You might need to Remove the Diffuse Texture for each one of the materials before assigning the new values.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 2
- Front Bevel Material: Change the Diffuse color to #dc1b71, the Reflection to 35, the Illumination color to #323232, the Gloss to 80%, the Shine to 80%, the Specular color to #e7e7e7, and the Ambient color to #cc7e7e.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 2
- Back Bevel Material: Change the Diffuse color to #3e3e3e, the Reflection to 35, the Illumination color to #323232, the Gloss to 80%, the Shine to 80%, the Specular color to #e7e7e7, and the Ambient color to #000000.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 2
- Front Inflation Material: Change the Diffuse color to #a6a6a6, the Reflection to 2, the Illumination color to #323232, the Gloss to 50%, the Shine to 65%, the Specular color to #ffffff, and the Ambient color to #000000.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 2
- Now, we are going to create the ribbon-like texture, using an Opacity Texture. So click the folder icon next to the Opacity option, and choose New Texture.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 2
- Create a new 1 x 100 px document with a White background.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 2
- The folder icon will become a Texture Map icon, click it and choose Open Texture.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 2
- Create a 50 px (Height) selection in the middle of the document and fill it with Black. This will leave a 25 px (Height) White areas in the top and the bottom of the document.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 2
Tip: You can use a Fixed Size Rectangular Marquee Selection.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 2
Save the changes, close the texture map file, and go back to the original document.
- Click the texture map icon and choose Edit Properties.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 2
- Set both the U Scale and V Scale to 10.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 2
- The trick here is that the White areas will create complete opacity and the Black areas will create complete transparency.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 2
- Instead of repeating all these steps, you can save the material and re-apply it with one click. To do so, expand the Material Presets box, then, from the pop-up menu icon, choose New Material.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 2
- Type in a name for the material and click OK.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 2
- Now, when you scroll down the Material Presets box, you’ll find the new material. Choose the Back Inflation Material and click the material you just saved to apply it to the Back of the 3D text.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 2
Step 3:
- In the 3D Panel, click the Create a new light icon at the bottom, then choose New Point Light.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 3
- This will enhance the overall lighting of the scene.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 3
- Scroll down the Materials area to see the four lights you have and modify their settings.
- Infinite Light 1: Set the Shadow Softness to 50%.
(leaving the value at 0% will result in faster rendering, but the shadow edges will be hard. So if you have no problem with hard edges you can leave the softness at 0%.)
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 3
- Infinite Light 2: Un-check the Create Shadows box.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 3
- Infinite Light 3: Un-check the Create Shadows box as well, we don’t want all four lights to create so many different shadows.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 3
- Point Light 1: The default settings are good.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 3
- In order for the shadows to be rendered on the ground without the need to create a surface or a plane, click the pop-up menu arrow in the top right corner of the 3D Panel, then click the Ground Plane Shadow Catcher option.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 3
- Once you’re done creating the scene, it’s time to render it. Click Scene at the top of the 3D Panel, then choose Ray Traced final from the Quality drop down menu.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 3
- The rendering process might take a couple of hours, but you can click anywhere inside the document to stop rendering whenever you want.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 3
Step 4:
- To create the confetti brush, create a new 10 x 10 px document, and fill it with Black. Then go to Edit -> Define Brush Preset, and type in a name for the brush. Close this document and go back to the original one.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 4
- Open the Brush panel (Window -> Brush), choose the square brush you’ve just created, and modify its settings as shown below:
- Brush tip Shape:
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 4
- Shape Dynamics:
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 4
- Scattering:
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 4
- Create a new layer on top of all layers and call it “Confetti”.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 4
- Duplicate the “Confetti” layer, and drag the copy right below the 3D text layer.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 4
- Select the original “Confetti” layer, and use the brush to scatter some confetti in the upper part around the text. Do not add any near the ground, as we are going to apply different shadow settings for the confetti on the ground.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 4
- Click the “Confetti copy” layer and fill the lower area with confetti.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 4
Step 5:
Double click the “Confetti” layer to apply the following Layer Styles:
- Drop Shadow: Change the Opacity to 15% and the Distance to 30.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 5
- Bevel and Emboss: Change the Technique to Chisel Hard, the Gloss Contour to Ring – Double, and check the Anti-aliased box.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 5
- Contour: Choose the Cove – Deep Contour.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 5
- Texture: Choose the Metallic Snakeskin Pattern.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 5
- Gradient Overlay: Set the Style to Reflected, and click the Gradient box to create the gradient.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 5
- The Gradient uses two colors: #fff4dc and #7d6435. But you can create other gradients using whatever colors you want.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 5
- This is what you should get.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 5
- Notice that the shadow of the confetti floating in the air is far from the text and the ground, but that can’t be the case for the confetti touching the ground. So copy and paste the Layer Style to the “Confetti copy” layer (Right click on the “Confetti” layer, choose Copy Layer Style, then right click on the “Confetti copy” layer, and choose Paste Layer Style.).
Then, double click the “Confetti copy” layer to modify the Drop Shadow, by setting the Opacity to 50%, and the Distance to 5.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 5
- This will add a darker and closer shadow for the confetti on the ground.
3D Ribbon Text Effect step 5
And that’s it! Hope you enjoyed the tutorial.
3D Ribbon Text Effect 

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Reference: textuts

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