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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How to make a web-based flyer in photoshop

Description: Hello there, and welcome to this photoshop tutorial on how to create a flyer for web output.

How to make a web-based flyer in photoshop

Hello there, and welcome to this photoshop tutorial on how to create a flyer for web output. We are going to be using quite a few different techniques, so pay attention! You might like to repeat this photoshop tutorial a few times using the source files, and when you think you're ready, use your own. Ok, let's start.
Step 1:
Open a new document by pressing CRTL+N. In the pop up screen we can set the width and height of our flyer, as well as the background color and resolution. You can see here that I gave it 400x600 because I want to send this flyer via email and this makes a good size. As for the resolution, 72 is usually the web standard. If we were thinking of printing the flyer we would make the resolution 300 and the width and height much bigger.
Step 2:
Press 'D' to change the Foreground and Background colors to Black and White, then click the White background square and change to red when the screen pops up. Go Filters->Render->Clouds:
Step 3:
Let's say our flyer was advertising a skate board event. First we would put the name of the organizers at the top. In this example we are using 'The Urban Pirates'. Press 'T' to activate the text tool and drag it across the top of the document. Add the text and change the font to one you like:
Step 4:
Go Layer->Layer Style->Stroke. I've used white as the stroke color:
Step 5:
In the same screen, click drop shadow:
Step 6:
As our main picture we are going to use two crossed skateboards. I found this image on google:
Step 7:
We need to cut it out of the background. To do this, select the brush tool (B) and a small, soft brush. Press (Q) and 'paint' over the board. NOTE: We are not actually painting over the board in red, but creating a mask. When you have finished you should have something like this:
Step 8:
Press (Q) to exit mask mode and then go Selct->Inverse. This is because our mask is the only thing NOT selected:
Step 9:
CRTL+C to copy, go back to our flyer, and CRTL+V to paste:
Step 10:
CRTL+T to enter transform mode. Rotate, scale and position it correctly. That done, go Layer->Duplicate Layer and then Edit->Transform->Flip Horizontal:
Step 11:
Now we have two skateboard layers. Select the top skateboard layer then press CRTL+E to merge them into one. Now we're going to have some fun them them. Go Filter->Sketch->Note Paper and enter these values:
Step 12:
Now we need something to life it our of the background. Go Later Styles again, give it a black stroke color, and enter these values under Drop Shadow:
Step 13:
CRTL+T and make it a little bigger and move it up a bit. But not too much. It is always important to leave spaces between your words and images:
Step 14:
We're going to use a different technique for the title. Press (T) and drag under the graphic. I'm going to call it 'Sk8 Fest'. When you have decided on a font, go Layer->Rasterize->Type:
Step 15:
Now take the Polygonal Lasso Tool 'L' and make a crazy selection:
Step 16:
Press CRTL+X to cut the selection, make a new layer on top, then CRTL+V to paste. You may have to position the new layer. When you're happy with the position of the two layers, CRTL+E to merge them:
Step 17:
Let's add some layer styles to it. Gp Layer->Layer Style->Color Overlay:
Step 18:
Then click Stroke and change the stroke color to black:
Step 19:
Now add the date, time and location for the event using color overlay and stroke:
Step 20:
Every event needs sponsers, and sponsers always want their logo at the bottom. So, Use the Marquee Tool (M) and drag a rectangle at the bottom of the flyer:
Step 21:
Now create a new layer, SHIFT+F5 and fill with black. CRTL+D to de-select:
Step 22:
Your sponsers will probably send you their logos, or give you directions as to where you can find them on the net. Open them in photoshop, use the Move Tool (M) to grag them onto our canvas, and CRTL+T to scale and position:

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Reference: photoshopzilla

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